Your residents and visitors want to feel safe and welcome. Our security hosts are trained in both services and security.
Avenue Services offers professional social neighborhood surveillances. With this we prevent nuisances and imrpove the quality of life and work in the neighborhood. Next to this service, we offer a special transportation service for your resident or visitors. Our security hosts guide you to the parking garage or to the train station.
Avenue Services offers surveillance and security in the streets but also in your parking garage. We are the point of contact in case of suspicious situations or persons and perform evening- and night inspections in your building and parking garage.
In case that your security images need to be reviewed, we can offer the service to view and download your security images. With your approval we can share these images to the police or other authorized persons.
Avenue Services has experience in finding the responsible persons in case of damages or houserule violations. With this service it is possible to address this issues to the persons that caused it (e.g. wrong parking or pollution) and charge these costs to them.
Avenue Services is in close contact with residents, building owners, company's, municipalities and police. Based on this we can offer this extra services.